Day of Caring

What is Day of Caring?

Day of Caring is an annual event that sends hundreds of volunteers out into our community to perform much-needed projects at nonprofit organizations. Georgia-Pacific, a leader in building community, sponsors our Lake Area United Way Day of Caring. They are consistent in giving all over this area. 

Why Participate? 

Day of Caring events are a much-loved volunteering tradition that expresses the philanthropic spirit of our community.

After participating in Day of Caring, Lake Area United Way becomes more than a logo, pledge card or campaign rally. It becomes the means by which an individual can assist many people through one gift.

Everyone gets an up-close look to see how their United Way contributions help our community each and every day.

*Companies and individuals can use this form below to register to volunteer for one or all of these Day of Caring.*

Day of Caring 2024 Participation Form

Questions? Email or call 918-682-1364.

If you are a nonprofit in Muskogee or Tahlequah area that needs projects completed by community members on September 13, please click the link below. 

Click here to submit a project for my nonprofit agency for the September 13 Day of Caring 

If you are a company, community group, or individual that would like to provide volunteers for nonprofit projects, please click the link below. 

Click here to submit employees from my company to volunteer September 13 Day of Caring

Georgia-Pacific - YouTube

Give United.Live United

Thank you G-P for supporting Lake Area United Way and your community to make change for good.