United Way works for a healthier America
Whether it is a neighbor without health insurance, a victim of abuse, or someone struggling with mental illness or an addiction, United Ways are working to ensure everyone has access to affordable and quality care. Lake Area United Way works with these partners in the areas of Health.
Health Facts
- More than 33% of children and adolescents are overweight or obese. That’s 25 million kids and teenagers.
- Children with health coverage are better prepared to learn in school and succeed in life.1
- The number of Americans without health insurance has increased steadily since the beginning of the century, now totaling about 47 million. More than 80% are working families.2
- 8.7 million children live without health insurance – more than the total number enrolled in the first and second grades in U.S. public schools.
Health and Well-being Funded Partners
CASA for Children in Muskogee
CASA recruits, screens, trains, and supports community volunteers to advocate in the best interests of children involved in juvenile cases of neglect and abuse in Muskogee, Wagoner & Sequoyah district courts. www.casaok.org (918-686-8199)
CASA of Cherokee Country
Advocating as a voice for children who enter the court system as a result of abuse and/or neglect by providing trained volunteers to speak independently for the best interests of the children. www.oklahomacasa.org (918-456-8788)
Green Country Behavioral Health Services
Green Country Behavioral Health Services (GCBHS) strives to create a safe, supportive and welcoming environment where those we serve can gain skills and resources necessary to lead healthy, self-sufficient, productive lives. It is a private, non-profit agency providing comprehensive outpatient and crisis response services to clients of all ages in Muskogee County Services are confidential, effective, and easily accessible. https://gcbhs.org/
Kelly B. Todd Cerebral Palsy & Neuromuscular Center
Provides children and adults with motor deficit or developmental delays physical therapy to enhance mobility and interaction with friends and family. www.kbtoddcpcenter.org (918-683-4621)
Kids’ Space–Muskogee County Child Advocacy Center
Provides a child-friend environment for the intervention, assessment, and investigation needed to assist with prosecution, treatment, and prevention of physically and sexually abused children. Provides educational and child protective classes. www.kidsspacemuskogee.org (918-682-4204)
Volunteers of America – R.S.V.P. (Retired Seniors Volunteer Program)
Creates opportunities for senior citizens to remain actively engaged in their communities through volunteer services in a variety of organizations ranging from hospitals to youth centers by utilizing their time and talents in service to others. www.voaok.org (918-683-1578)
1Institute of Medicine. From Neurons to Neighborhood: The Science of Early Childhood Development. Washington DC: National Academies Press, 2000.) 2Employee Benefit Research Institute estimates from the March Current Population Survey, 2007 Supplement. 3Compiled by the State Health Access Data Assistance Center (SHADAC), University of Minnesota School of Public Health, using data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey 2007.