Our Mission
Our mission is uniting people and resources to advance the health, education, and financial stability of our communities.
Our Vision
To be the leading organization building a stronger, healthier, and more compassionate community.
Lake Area United Way History
- LAUW started out as United Charities of Muskogee in 1915 and adopted organizational by-laws in 1928. The first combined fund-raising effort was conducted in 1932 to provide support for area agency operations.
- This joint effort was known as the Muskogee Community Fund. Community leaders of Muskogee encouraged the “Once-A-Year Fund-Raising Campaign”. Eight local agencies previously conducted independent campaigns resulting in nearly year-round community soliciting.
- In 1932, the American Red Cross, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Salvation Army, School Lunch Program, United Charities, YMCA and YWCA held one campaign in November with a goal of $68,436. Offices were established at Muskogee City Hall in a room provided by the City.
- The State of Oklahoma issued a Certificate of Incorporation to the not-for-profit organization on May 20, 1939, as the Muskogee Community Chest.
- The name was officially changed to United Way of Muskogee, Inc. in 1979.
- In 2000, the name of the organization was changed to Lake Area United Way, Inc. in 2000 to include an expanded coverage area that included Cherokee County.
- Lake Area United Way is governed by a local board of directors who have consistently, throughout history, made decisions to ensure that the organization has an immediate impact right here in our community, based solely on our community’s needs.